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It's where the heart is.It all started in 1971...Great musicians...and much more!The songs they play so well!The lady and the tramps.Sights and sounds of Reunion live.ContactWhen and where to experience Reunion live!News, links and more.




Reunion is all about fun.  And it's even more fun when you're....


*Reunion makes no claims, expressed or implied, of having any rain-making, sorceric, or outcome-affecting properties.   However, if you're superstitious you may want to click "Book Your Event" above for your next big game.  Regardless whether the home team comes through or not (teams named Texas are pretty dependable home teams, we'll admit) you'll get a great band!

And while we're on the sports topic...

Four Degrees of Affiliation

At the World Series and the Rangers Fan Fest